Friday 30 November 2007

RSVP Deadline

The time has come - The RSVP deadline of 1st December has now passed. We are still missing a few replies from guests on both sides of the Atlantic. It is essential for us to get a response as we have to submit an accommodation request to Poets Cove.

You know who you are - please send that RSVP back! Thank you.

Any further questions please let us know.

Monday 19 November 2007

Nancy's Arrival in Oz

Nancy and myself are back together on the same continent as she has arrived down under in Melbourne. With the hottest day, since my arrival in Sept, at 37 degrees - we are both enjoying developing a healthy glow for xmas.

The majority of the wedding planning is now in place and so we can relax/enjoy sunny Melbourne together. Don't forget the 1 Dec for your invitation RSVP!

Monday 12 November 2007

Wedding Invites

As the RSVPs are starting to roll in, we just wanted to make sure that everyone has received their invitation. If you haven't by now, please let us know and we'll get the information out to you asap.

Please remember that when you respond, please write your names on the RSVP list and remember to check off which accommodation option (or not) you'd like.

We have had an RSVP from the Vancouver region - sent from a post office in the V6B 3A region - which has no name or accommodation information just a 'delighted to accept' marked. If this is you, can you please let us know so we can get your details down correctly.

Only 200 days to go!

Monday 5 November 2007

Change in GST Tax

As per our previous post - there are three levels of taxation that affect visitors to British Columbia. However, the good news is that the federal goods and services tax (GST) is being reduced to 5% (1% reduction) from January 2008 onwards.

Taxes are not included in prices so they will almost always be extra to the price listed.