Thursday 28 February 2008

Whale Watching Trip

As some of you might remember from the invitations, we have organised a whale watching trip for guests on Friday 30th May at 2pm. The trip is about 4 hours long and luckily, May is the start of the whale season in the Gulf Islands ~ a great time of year to do it.

Seats are being booked on a first come first serve basis. At present the boat is half full; however, if demand is there we can look at putting on a second boat. The per person rate for a full boat is $76 + tax. To book, all you have to do is email with names and contact details. You don't need a credit card as he will simply put the cost of the trip on to your room bill at the Resort. If you are not staying at the Resort then you will have to inform him of this and provide a credit card number.

Sunday 3 February 2008

Back in the UK

After our various travels, including a great skiing trip to Norway over New Year, Nancy and I are both back in the UK and living in Milton Keynes again. The wedding planning and making arrangements are back in full swing.

We will have Poets Cove accommodation booking information in the next couple of weeks for guests who are staying at the resort.

Furthermore, if you have any specific questions regarding travel arrangements for your trip please let us know.

Keep checking the blog for more info!