Following the successful Anthony and Scott weight loss challenge (combined loss of 42 pounds) prior to the wedding of the year, it has been agreed that the next challenge is the fastest 10KM run before 1st May 2010.
The group of contenders includes, Nancy, Scott M, Ross, Emily, Kris, me and of course Anthony.
The rules are simple:
- Need to complete an official, timed 10KM run before the 1st May 2010.
- The timed result needs to be on offical paperwork from an organised run or from the organisers website.
The FASTEST TIME wins the challenge!A handicap system is available to those who want to use it and is based on their BMI score. Enclosed is a link to a BMI calculating website
http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/. This is purely optional.
Eyes of the prize - major bragging rights are awarded to the winner! Also a few people are asking for a betting book to be
run on the winning time, so we may look into this at a later date and donate any winnings to a cancer charity. An embarrassing punishment for the loser has also been mentioned in passing and so we will see how that develops over the next few weeks.
So if there is anyone else you wants to join in the challenge then please let me know, however, if you just want to watch our progress keep an eye on the blog for updates. Furthermore, you can track our run training via the blog through the Nike widgets on the right-hand menu bar. These track the distances run in training and related timings.
Anyway, enough of the talk for now and down to the training (minus the ice cream). See you all at the finish line! Good luck and eat my dust.