Monday 23 March 2009

Grouse Mountain Skiing

One of the major draws of moving to Vancouver was the potential for regular skiing. This weekend was our first opportunity to experience skiing on Grouse Mountain.

The weather and the snow was perfect and we enjoyed over five hours of skiing on Saturday afternoon. With unrestricted viewing conditions we had a vista of Vancouver and beyond - which you can just see in this photo.

Bring on more skiing!!

Saturday 21 March 2009

Fulham Beat Man Utd 2-0!

Initially it has proved tough to be Fulham Football Fan from a distance, with match times being on early in the morning and the Canadians being more interested in ice hockey.

However, with the power of the internet and waking up early enough - Nancy and I got to watch the fantastic FULHAM beat Man Utd in the Premiership. To put this in context, this is the first time Fulham having won against Man U since 1964!! More importantly it means that Fulham reach the magic 40 league points to ensure survival in the league for another season.

Great experience to watch the stylish, attractive passing of Fulham in the first half and then the nail-biting second half. Followed by a well-taken Zolten Gera goal to settle it!

For a better match report - check out. Come on your Whites!

Friday 20 March 2009

New Vancouver Apartment View

From the 1st April we move into a new Apartment in Coal Harbour, Vancouver.

Check out the view of the harbour, Stanley Park and mountains......

Thursday 19 March 2009

Canadian Induction

Firstly thank you to everyone that attended my Vancouver welcoming party, including Scott (Marks), Linz, Stu, Gina, Paul, Jessica and all associated kids.

But a special thanks goes to Gina and Stu who, as the picture shows, they provided me with a gift pack to make me feel part of the local Canadian culture.

The items included my own lumberjack shirt, ice hockey stick (miniature), Molson Canadian Beer, Canucks hat (the local Ice Hockey Team), Tim Hortons coffee mug and bottle of local whiskey with shot glass. Probably the most impressive gift being the camping chair in Canadian colours, emblazoned with a maple leaf motive (beer holder included)!

What can I say.... thank you for the Canadian welcome!

My First Snow in Vancouver

On my recent arrival to Vancouver, Nancy organised a welcoming party on the snowy slopes of Grouse Mountain. A bunch of friends, snow and an inner tube.... what more fun could be had.

The photo shows the group getting ready for a joint run down the slope in formation.

Check out the video for our snow-tubing fun!

Wednesday 18 March 2009

And we are back.....

Following a number of adventures in the past few months (all since the Iceland trip), we are back updating the Codename WFNS blog.

As a quick summary to get everyone up to date with our recent adventures, the list below includes some of our highlights:

- In September, Ross and Bethany Shears visit the UK for a top time, including bowling and poker fun
- Craig and Rana Wedding with lots of fun had by all
- Watched the British Davis Cup tennis team lose at Wimbledon
- Visited Windsor Castle to see if the Queen was in (she wasn't)
- Drove over 1800 miles to the Stelvio Pass in Northern Italy and back to the UK on an awesome roadtrip in 4 days. Top Gear TV show would be proud
- New branch on the Shears family tree was born (Abigail) on 8 November 2008
- Dad and I went to Mercedes-Benz World and experienced track driving in an S-Class limo
- We enjoyed an excellent Christmas, New Year and 31st Birthday in Washington DC with Ross, Laura and the kids
- Watched Fulham Footy team beat Portsmouth 3-1 at the Cottage
- In early Feb, took advantage of freak snow weather to have three snow days off work
- Another roadtrip, but this time we went to the Land's End - the most southern point in the UK!

This then brings us to the major news, which is that Nancy and I have both moved to Vancouver for the next chapter in our married lives. As of Thursday 5th March 2009, we are calling Vancouver, Canada home and so the adventure begins.....

More posts to come soon!