Sunday 31 May 2009

Our First Wedding Anniversary

We write this post as we sit at Poets Cove Bar, enjoying one last pint, while we wait for our float plane back to Vancouver. Very excited about the float plane!!! Nancy suspects she will have to give up the window view for me, so I can take pictures. We go back to Coal Harbour via Salt Spring so it should be an awesome scenic view.

Weather has been fabulous all weekend. Both of us were sun burnt on different days. We went bike riding down to where our wedding photos were taken and while on the beach we saw whales go by - about 50m off shore. AMAZING!!!

We enjoyed a Spa visit yesterday which proved to be fantastic - proper relaxation for both of us. This was followed up by dinner in the Poet's restaurant, then a couple of hours on our patio drinking our Wedding wine and talking about the previous year and the year ahead. Today, we took a canoe out and spent an hour canoeing along the shoreline of Bedwell Harbour. It was nice to be on the water and see the resort from a different perspective.

So we have yet to see an Eagle perched in a tree but we've seen many flying above our heads. Impressive bit of nature... Anyway the float plane is arriving, so time to go. Thank you to all for our Anniversary cards and best wishes. Check out the selection of photos from the weekend.

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