Saturday 19 September 2009

Grouse Grind - 2830 steps!

My challenge training took an interesting twist today, as I completed the Grouse Grind. You are probably wondering what the Grouse Grind is....

Often referred to as “Mother Nature’s Stairmaster,” the Grouse Grind is a trail that winds it's way up the side of Grouse Mountain. This is the mountain that is directly opposite our apartment and makes up a large proportion of the view from our sofa. More than 100-thousand hikers a year take on the challenge of the rugged terrain and steep climb, up an approximate 56 per cent slope (30°), which starts at the Valley Station of Grouse Mountain and finishes at the Peak’s plateau. In length the Grind is 2.9 KMs or 1.8 miles, the elevation gain is 853 metres or 2,800 feet and the summit is 1,127 metres above sea level.

On average this hike takes up to an hour and a half, however, the official record to date for men is 26.19 held by Michael Simpson, set in 2007. I was happy in simply completing, but managed a respectable time of 1 hour 11mins for the total of 2,830 steps. Although I was spurred on by a couple of young kids passing me on the way up!


Tony (The Ex Smoker) said...

Forget the Grouse Grind as a true test of Stamina and will power. I am now on Day 2 of my nicotine withdrawal. Day One was difficult mostly a restless, fidgety, iritable feeling. Today the feelings are slightly milder however I get the feeling that the little monster has woken up yet and will soon be along to torment me.

Mrs. Sharks said...

if you weren't single at the beginning of day one, you definitely would be by the end of day 2...

all my support in making you an 'EX'

take deep breaths, it's supposed to relax you, like something.... yep that's all the support I can give except COME VISIT US. I miss you.

Tony said...

Coming to the end of day 3 as a non smoker. Passed the drinking test last night. The pangs are getting fewer and less intense. It's a odd to think that last weekend I was dreading giving up and it is turning out to be easier than I thought! Watch out guys soon I will be sprinting the 10k

Tony still the ex smoker! said...

Thanks for your comments. I have been speaking with Scott about a Xmas trip. Currently sitting in the wavendon arms chilling with a g&t. Day 4 and still strong some cravings, oddly more than yesterday but no weakening. With all this money I will save I guess a trip at Xmas time is on the cards!

Scott said...

Nancy and I are more than impressed with your efforts on becoming an ex-smoker. As a simple calculation - how many packs a week did you smoke? As it is 3 months to xmas it would interesting to know if it came to a price of a flight to Vancouver?

Keep it up!

Unknown said...

I would smoke normally about 25 to 35 a day. With 20 in a pack and it being £5.80 a pack. You do the math!! :)

Scott said...

A rough calculation would be:

£5.80 x7 days (for the full pack per day)= £40.6 per week x 12 weeks = £487.2


£2.90 x7 days (for the half pack per day) = £20.3 per week x12 weeks = £243.6

£487.2+ £243.6 = GRAND TOTAL OF £730.80

More than enough for a return flight to Vancouver + a few drinks along the way and maybe a trip skiing!! See you at the end of the year???

Ross said...

I like the comment format!

Tony (mmmm clean air) said...

Well to continue with the comment format! Coming to the end of day 5 as a non smoker. All day was fine but then cravings kicked in about an hour ago! It's so weird how they just come and go! In regard to Vancouver visit what dates are being proposed?

Tony (mmmm clean air) said...

Well to continue with the comment format! Coming to the end of day 5 as a non smoker. All day was fine but then cravings kicked in about an hour ago! It's so weird how they just come and go! In regard to Vancouver visit what dates are being proposed?

The Shings!! said...

Hey well done King Tony!! We should celebrate in another 5 days by having a few more G and Ts!!

Tony said...

G&T's what a great idea. Sounds like these blogs comments are all about me organizing my social calendar. Thats right its all about me!! I keep looking at the Nike minis and it looks like we are all being a bit lazy. I want you all to be afraid so bare in mind I have quit smoking to beat you guys and my training from now will be starting in earnest. Dont be the one wearing the skirt on You tube!!

Ross said...

Anthony.. surely the money you save on cigs can be put towards a halloween costume? We want Wolverine. We want Wolverine.

wolverine said...

Wolverine it is!! but the question now is real beard/sideburns or fake. Have all super heroes now been confirmed?

Running Monk said...


Real sideburns = real committment. We are looking into costumes at the moment. My first choice is still Bananaman -- second choice = old school batman.

check out my beard!! said...

Nothing less than real committment!! Although not much I can do about the hair. May have to be a wig.

Him n Her said...

definitely real facial hair and we want the sideburns cut in for the plane journey!!! by the way be afraid be very afriad check out Kris's mini today and he is asking what size leotard does Scott take?

I am stuck on halloween costume need to discuss further with laura!!!!!