Monday 12 October 2009

Highway Fire and Quad Bikes

A busy week at work involved me taking a long drive to a place called Kamloops for a grand opening of a new Mercedes Dealer. The four-hour drive through the mountains is usually scenic, but pretty dull, except this time, there was FIRE! We came across a logging-truck that was ablaze, surrounded by emergency services, who were all standing around watching the fire. It would seem the truck driver was smoking, threw his cigarette butt out the window, onto the wood and created the fire. DOH!

On Wednesday, we had a team "bonding" session with senior management at Whistler mountain and the main activity was quad biking. I have done quad biking before in the UK, but certainly not up the side of a mountain and through dense forests. A great laugh and experience had by all, plus as a bonus we got to see the new bobsleigh track for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.

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