Monday 10 January 2011

Heading Back to Work

My weeks holiday is coming to an end and I head back to work on Wednesday, however, I thought I would share some positive news which makes my role a little better in 2011. Some of you are aware at the end of 2010 Mercedes-Benz Canada and BMW Canada were dueling for the sales lead in the premium car market and for most of the last decade BMW has prevailed every year. Not anymore... MB Canada became the country’s most popular luxury car company after edging perennial leader BMW Group Canada.

Mercedes-Benz sales jumped 15.6 per cent to a record 28,065 vehicles last year from 2009 while BMW volumes climbed 10 per cent to 27,202 in the same period. So working most of my birthday contributed in some small way to this success and we gained an extra day of vacation from the company.

Only problem now is that we start all over again now!


Anonymous said...

Mmmm... BMW obviously didn't go looking for 'lost' cars in their system as efficiently as you did!!

Scott said...

Just got back from Calgary and Edmonton, where is minus 22 (excluding the wind chill factor of a further -12!!). Happy to be warm again.

Need you ask!!! said...

I was thinking just the other day how the blogosphere had started to become a little dated and dry with no interesting articles to keep my mind stimulated. Then I check out your blog and the world is all good again. A Merc v BMW sales figure story!!! Only joking you know I like winding you up about your Mercedes Passion. Glad you had a good break in time for your next big adventure and getting your backside kicked at XBOX.