Sunday 6 February 2011

Muppets having sex!

Yesterday, Nancy, myself and Wendy went to see the stage show called Avenue Q. This was a birthday present to me and I didn't have a clue what to expect - all I knew that muppets were involved.

Turns out that Avenue Q's unique presentation requires substantially more suspesion of disbelief by audience members than normal: The cast consists of three human characters and a bunch puppet characters who interact as if human, Sesame Street-style. The puppets are animated and voiced by actor/puppeteers who are present, unconcealed, onstage, but remain "invisible" relative to the storyline.

The characters face real-world problems; they use abundant profanity in dialogue and musical lyrics; there are episodes of "full puppet nudity" (and puppet sex); and many songs and sub-plots address decidedly adult themes, such as racism, pornography, homosexuality and schadenfreude. We all really enjoyed the show but this was certainly not Sesame Street for kids.

Attached is a link to a online video for a taster Avenue Q Video

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyday is a school day, I now have "schadenfreude" in my vocabulary.