Friday 22 July 2011

Nancy completes her First Triathlon

Last Sunday, Nancy completed her first triathlon. As you are probably aware, Nancy has been training to complete a sprint distance triathon on September 5th at Stanley Park. She has joined the Team in Training group ( and has committed to raising $1900 for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society of Canada. This last weekend, she decided to do a trial triathlon to give her some experience and to build her confidence with this new sport.

The learnings from the first race were to stay calm and relax, don't hunch your shoulders, check your bike before hand (brake pad rubbed the tire the entire way and her seat was off center!) and the running stint goes faster than you think! Nancy is proud to say she completed it and didn't finish last! She'd like to thank Kari who joined her for this event and helped distract her from her nerves and provided a celebration at the finish line. Check out Kari's blog for version of the race:

The next few weeks are focused on building distance into her training regime and to get out into the ocean for as many open water swims as possible. If anyone wants to sponsor Nancy and help her hit her fundraising target, here's the link - Nancy sends a big thank you to those who have already sponsored her!


Scott said...

Happy 60th Birthday to Dad! Don't work too hard in the garden.

Anonymous said...

An awesome morning! Good luck with the next one Nancy. xxx

Mum C. said...

Dad said to say a BIG thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes, cards, gifts and telephone calls - all of which he much appreciates. The weather was sunny for this BIG birthday, remember 20 years ago rain and period costumes?? Love to you all...X

Mum C. said...

Good luck Nancy for September! X