Saturday 16 July 2011

The Sam Show and English Grub

It has been a while since there was some recent Sam photos and I've put together a few pictures of Sam from the last couple of weeks. I know there are a number of people out there who are only reading the blog for Sam updates and photos, so this is for his growing fan base.

Also as a side note, we were on Vancouver Island last weekend and went to the local British food shop where we picked up some old favourites (see the photo). It took a great deal of will power not to buy more, especially the Penguin biscuits!


Em said...

aaah seeing the food photo made me miss England for a second, then I remembered what we did today wait til you see our latest blog update.

Keep up the Sam photos!!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog. So good to hear what you are up to and see your boy grow up. xx

Anonymous said...

I have never read about someone who is so insecure and desperate to seek approval from unknown person(s) about whether they made the right decision to move to Canada. Whilst I can understand it was an initial blog to capture people’s attention for your wedding, four years later you are still trying to justify your existence in another country.

The world is clogged up with users on facebook and twitter, so why maintain a blog of uninteresting articles? People with these social networking accounts are so obsessed, in letting other people know what they are doing, and believing that the readers will be interested and stare in amazement as if their own lives have no meaning or fulfilment.

When updating articles, please consider one rule, “If I have time to blog, I’ve got nothing to do.”
I think Washington is great! Canada has an unemployment rate of 8.1% and did you know that Pamela Anderson comes from Canada, hold your head in shame. Please post to let others see what the common man thinks.

Scott said...

Open to all opinions on the blog, nice if you could leave your name (anonymous from West of Slough, in Hampshire, using BT Internet). Also it's funny how much time you spend reading our blog for someone who is so against it! Enjoy.

Laura said...

Scott, Nancy, and Sam,
I love your blog and feel so much closer to you because of it!! We all love seeing Sam grow up! As to the "Anonymous" comments on the blog, I'm perplexed as to why someone follows you on your blog when they're obviously not interested in the goings-on of your life. If you're reading this, Anonymous, for goodness sake just stop visiting this blog! I can only speak for myself, but I visit the blog to check up on what the family I love is up to, and to comment on the mundane. Love, (Auntie) Laura
ps Anonymous - If you're a complete stranger, you obviously don't know how many friends and family follow Scott and Nancy's blog. If you know Scott and Nancy, why are you being so dang mean?

Ross said...

Scott, Nancy, & Sam,

Please ignore the comments from "Anonymous near Slough". I love reading the blog and keeping up with the Canadian Shears family. Whoever is making these comments clearly misses the point of the blog (which isn't aimed at "unknown persons").

This anonymous person who claims to represent the views of the "common man" is revealing more about himself/herself than the theories that he or she espouses.

Everyone who is in touch with you knows that the Vancouver vs. Washington "competition" is just an inside joke. Neither location holds a candle to Bletchley! Also, there is no need to bring Pamela Anderson into this.

Please consider one rule: "If I have time to comment on blogs that I am not interested in reading, then I have nothing to do and I am mean."

Please post this as a lesson for mean-spirited people.

Em said...

What a tit!!! Bletchley Rules!!

Mr P said...

I was just asked if I had seen Scotts blog recently and if I was the person writing under the name anonymous.

I hadn't looked for about a week, however now I have i feel compelled to write the following comment:

Although I have been guilty of blogging in the past under numerous names and with some dastardly intentions, I am mature enough to know there is a line, which should not be crossed.

Although over recent weeks I have been less than a frequent visitor I consider this blog the perfect hub for finding out what’s going on with some of the closest people in my life, in a form that is more convenient and allows me and others to catch up when normal telephone and online chatting is difficult. Carry on the good work guys.

As for anonymous quite simply grow up. Speaking of inadequacies you may consider that in your effort to tell us how "insecure and desperate" this blog is you simply come across as someone who is bitter and jealous. If you spent more time looking at your own life rather than critiquing others you may find that this immature need inside yourself subsides.

Some simple solutions to your problems:

1. Turn off your computer if you can’t trust yourself to use it maturely
2. Don't look at the blog if it hurts you to do so.

On a side note I believe that comments have been made in the past have not been included due to the offence it would cause. I have instructed Scott to provide me with some basic information so that if comments like this appear again I will obtain a higher level of information about location and user commenting (This is something I do as part of my business routinely). These details will then be published online so as to put a face to the name to anonymous (Very brave by the way. Obviously a person of great conviction).

This isn't the forum to voice your growing pains but a community of friends so please respect that or go away.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - hope you are enjoying the responses to your ridiculous comment. Oh wait... you won't be reading this because your life is so completely enthralling that you have no time to read blogs. haha. Loser!
Ps. My blog details included especially for you!