Sunday 1 April 2012

April Fools Day!

Happy April Fools Day everyone!  This means that I have got through my first month in the new job and officially take on my role from Monday morning.  My sales team had a little induction ceremony for me - when I completed and signed off my first vehicle deal, the sales person involved cut my tie.  (Luckily I had time to exchange for a cheap alternate tie from a local charity shop).

I thought I would also take the opportunity to share some recent Sam photos, as he is over 13 months old now, on the verge of walking and his first understandable words are "dog" and "again".  He also recently had his one year health check-up, including five different injections.


Anonymous said...

I was lucky to get a hi in my new store! Hope the job is going well.

Sam is looking so grown up. Em

UK Granny said...

Glad to see Sam is enjoying life in the fast lane (or fireplace)! Great photos. X

Laura said...

Wow - you've been at your new job a month already, Scott! Time's flying.... and Sam is looking so grown up! We can't wait to meet him in June!