Monday 2 July 2012

Virginia and Ocean City Holiday

It has been a few days since our return from the East Coast of the USA, having spent a week with Ross, Laura, Beth, Ryan, Abby and of course the H-Unit (Henry).  This was also the first time that Sam had the opportunity to meet his cousins in person and not over Skype.  To get to our destination we had to take three different flights over a twelve hour period, which was a daunting prospect with the active, walking Sam.  However, we shouldn't have worried as Sam slept most of the flight time and was too busy charming people in the airport to be upset.  The only drama was when he "face-planted" into a glass screen at Toronto airport creating a nose bleed... with our embarrassment only heightened by half a hospital team of medics and doctors appearing to look at Sam.

Once we arrived into Washington with Ross, Laura and the kids our fun started as all the kids got on famously with each other. There was sharing of toys, playing on the Nintendo Wii, watching of YouTube videos, walks around the local area, water fun at the swimming pool, visit to the local playgrounds and of course watching Kung-Fu Panda for Henry.  After a couple of days, we loaded up the cars and headed for the beach on our road trip to Ocean City, Maryland.  Laura had arranged a rental condo big enough for all nine of us within walking distance of the beach.  As you can see from the photos, everyone had a top time down on the beach, in the ocean and along the broad walk.  We were blessed with good weather and sunshine, except one day when thunder showers kept us inside.  The overall low light was the disappointment of watching the England national footy team losing again on penalties to Italy in the Euro Championship.  Although it was great to share the experience with Ross in a pub, the sort of thing we did when we were younger, back in the UK.  A week certainly wasn't long enough and we all wished we could have stayed longer.  Good times!

BTW - Happy Canada Day for 1st July for everyone out there!

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