Sunday 11 November 2012

First Haircut

Sam's curly hair has the been the source of much debate, as it has never been cut and Nancy has stopped me from having his curls cut.  For some reason, the ladies in Sam's life believe that the curls are very cute and cannot be removed as they may never come back.  However, whenever his hair gets wet especially at swimming classes it turns into "rat tails" and Nancy admitted that going to Maui on holiday she didn't want to be embarrassed by the rat tails.  So yesterday saw Sam shears get sheared!  As the photos showed the best method to cut his hair was following him around with a pair of scissors, while he is distracted by toys.  Job done and Sam even received a certificate.


Granny C. said...

Congratulations Sam on emerging from your first 'shearing' but remaining unscathed!! A certificate to prove it too.

Anonymous said...

About time he got a sensible haircut. He would never get a job with long hair. ;o)

Laura said...

That's a pretty sweet haircut place ~ Goodbye, Baby Sam; Hello, Litte Man Sam! I've not checked the blog in a while, and suddenly there's tons of cute stuff up! Thanks for posting all the great pics.