We are looking forward to four days in the entertainment capital of the world and especially spending time with the new Mr and Mrs King. Although, Kris and I need to ensure that we do not come home bankrupt, thanks to our wives gambling!
Codename WFNS (Wedding For Nancy and Scott) was originally created to provide a countdown and information for our wedding day. Now with 31st May 2008 passing into history, the Blog now provides stories and updates on our married life (in Vancouver and Victoria)......
Firstly it has been a couple of days as did you know there is limited to no access to the internet in Yosemite and Death Valley. Em and Kris (catching up from Grand Canyon).
Did you know that mirror lake in Yosemite Valley is not actually a lake in the summer just one big sandpit. Em and Kris (still in Grand Canyon)
Did you know that with certain wildfires and diversions its a bloody long drive from Yosemite to Death Valley (9 1/2 HOURS LONG)!!! Em and Kris (still sitting in the same place in Grand Canyon)
Did you know that its another bloody long drive from Death Valley to Grand Canyon (7 1/2 hours) and an extra fact of the day, did you know that the Hoover Dam has lots of water in it! Em
And one final thought does anyone know how long do you get to annul your marriage..... no serisouly?? Kris
Really! Your insight amazes me, especially when you consider Yosemite is in the mountains and Death Valley is a desert.
We hear you are making crank phone calls to Washington!
Great to hear from you and now only 3 days until we see you
What do you mean crank phone calls? It was legit. Where is our other updates! Anyway did you know that Grand Canyon is just a big hole! Em and Kris (happy together again)
Rumor has it that you claimed you were on Ross and Laura's doorstep, after asking for their address! Turned out that you weren't and Laura was in tears at the let down.
Only 2 days to go until we join in Vegas BABY!!
Where is our updates from yesterday!!! They were really insightful! Em and Kris
We want Honeymoon updates. Dont be a selfish blogger!!
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