Sunday 20 June 2010

Do Bears sh*t in the Woods?

As I type this blog post I'm sat on the sofa with an aching body, this is due to sending said body down the side of the mountain at speed on a bike. All thanks to my Scottish buddy, Stu, who arranged a trip to Whistler for spot of downhill bike racing. Being a complete novice I had no idea what to expect and within a few seconds of hurtling down the hillside I was crashing out - not once but twice. We soon realised that we were on an expert blue run and not a beginner green run! Once we made it onto a suitable route it turned out to be an adrenalin fueled speed ride and we completed six runs in the afternoon, followed by a couple of refreshing pints.

Apart from the adrenalin rush, the major highlight of the trip was seeing black bears in the wild and these were also my first bear sightings in British Colombia. We saw the first bear on our first trip up the chair lift, then a second bear on the ride down and then the pièce de résistance was seeing two adult bears grazing about 30 feet away from us. The photos do not do them justice. And in answer to the question, I can confirm bears do sh*t in the woods as it was everywhere on the mountain side.

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