Tuesday 28 June 2011

Sam at 4 Months. Nancy Update

Sam had his four month check-up at the Doctors on Monday. He is now 15lbs (75th percentile) and 23.5in tall (48th percentile). He had his immunization shots. At the time he did very well and only cried for a few seconds. Last night, he slept 12 hours with only a 20 minute wake up for some food around 4am. (It was great to catch up on my sleep!)

He had a bit of a fussy day today and it was pretty obvious he wasn't feeling too well. His legs were very red where the shot went in, had a slight fever and just couldn't keep his food down. Luckily by the end of the day, he took a full feed and didn't spit any of it up! Nancy is off to start the laundry we accumulated today!!!

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