Tuesday 6 September 2011

Nancy Crosses the Tri Line

Sunday morning was an early start for Nancy as she woke at 4.45am to head off for the the start line of her triathlon. As many of you will know, Nancy has been training for the last fourteen weeks in the three disciplines of swimming, running and cycling with Team in Training, who are raising funds for a cancer charity. Nancy raised nearly $2000 for the cause and the overall group raised $40,000, so thank you to everyone that sponsored her.

After her early morning wake-up call, Nancy was ready and waiting for the starting gun on Second Beach in Stanley Park. By the time, myself and Sam had woken up, had breakfast and walked to the beach we made it just at the moment that Nancy was finishing her 750 meter ocean swim. We heard the announcer call her name and watched her transition to her bike for the second stage. There was perfect weather for such a feat of endurance with wall to wall sunshine, but the ocean was still cold. Sam and I continued to cheer the other competitors, whilst we waited for Nancy to return from her 20 KM cycle ride around Stanley Park. We cheered Nancy as she returned her bike for the last stage of a 5 KM run and then made our way to the finishing line. Admittedly, Sam had a snooze at this point but I woken him up just in time to see his Mum cross the line at just over two hours, and pick up her medal.

Great performance by Nancy as she beat her estimated time by five minutes and we are so proud of her. Sam made sure that his Mum received a big hug at the end, as you can see from the photo. So what next for Nancy's sporting prowess?


Laura said...

Hurray, Nancy! What an achievement!

Em and Kris said...

Congratulations Nancy!!

Carolyn said...

Congratulations Nancy - the bike was an excellent choice! Until the next event...

Mr P said...

Well done Nancy. All the multi events seem like you practising all the methods needed to get back to the UK and see your old buddy Tony.