Thursday 9 February 2012

Last Day In Sydney & Walking the Bridge

After much debate Nancy convinced me that completing the Sydney Harbour Bridge walk was a once in a lifetime experience and so my last day in Sydney involved a bus trip back to the city centre from Bondi. I checked in for 9.25am for the "Bridge Climb", which is a 3 ½ hour guided journey to the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The climb took me along the outer arch of the Bridge on catwalks and ladders all the way to the summit, 134 metres above Sydney Harbour. There were about 1400 steps as part of the climb, but it was certainly worth it as the opportunty to witness 360 degree views of Sydney, including east to the Sydney Opera House, west to the Blue Mountains and the Harbour city surrounds. This was an expensive experience but was something to remember.

Next stop on our holiday is Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand.

1 comment:

Em said...

Congratulations Scott, the views look amazing from up there. Was it physically difficult then to do? I wasn't sure so didnt do it.