Saturday 4 February 2012

Planes, Trains and Automobiles to get to Sydney, Australia

Just a quick blog post as we are using a local internet cafe in Sydney with no wifi access in our hotel. We should be back online tin the next day or so as move to a different apartment near Bondi Beach. So we arrived safe and sound after using planes, trains and automobiles - car to the ferry, ferry to Vancouver, flight to Sydney, metro train to city centre and our legs to the hotel. Flight was fine and Sam was at his best for nearly 15 hours - the other passengers in business class even commented how fun/cute he was on the flight.

First couple of days in Sydney, we have toured all the classic sites in the city - including the harbour bridge, the opera house, ferries in the harbour, Manly Beach, the Rocks, Sydney observatory, a local Aussie pub, etc. We have a bunch of photos but we will have to share them another time when we have more time and Internet capability.

For now we are safe and sound, enjoying our selves "down under" (in spite of a little sun burn). We are off for another day of sight seeing, trip to the beach and water park for Sam.

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