Friday 21 August 2009

Whistler - Day One

In between the extensive traveling around Canada with work, last weekend, Nancy and I managed to visit Whistler up in the local Mountains. This turned out to be a fantastic trip that saw us complete a number of exciting activities, plus we got to stay in a top-class suite at Whistler Creek. Thanks to Nancy, we found a Vancouver-based couple renting out their suite at Whistler for a bargain price with access to all the facilities, including hot tub, steam room, gym, swimming pool and games room.

After a evening of relaxation on the Friday night which involved pizza, beer and a hot tub dip, we spent the early part of Saturday afternoon watching the 2nd Annual Cheese rolling contest. This involved watching a number of Canadians almost kill themselves chasing a round block of cheese down the side of the mountain - lots of fun was had by all contestants and spectators. Check out the video to see the carnage.

We then headed up the mountain using the chair lifts and then experienced the Peak to Peak cable car ride between Blackcomb Mountain and Whistler Mountain. This newly opened attraction boasts three world records, including the longest free span cable car ride in the world, and I have to say it was certainly a spectacular view of the nearby glacier. Once at the peak of Whistler we took another chair lift to the very top of the Whistler Mountain and we were literally on the top of the world at 7156 feet or 2181 metres.

And all this was just day one of our trip to Whistler, more to come.......


Shawnigan Robotics said...

I registered for this crazy event, but had to cancel on the Friday night. Jess had to work on the Saturday (some bloke wrote a business plan that keeps her up to her ears in work) and the kids and I had fun eating cheese in Vancouver. I think I would have won - those guys don't look that fast. Secretly, I think I am the Usain Bolt of downhill running.

Tony said...

I think Paul may have a challenge on his hands. When it comes to running to get food I would clearly out do most people.

Give me the cheese and then roll me down the hill. A much better idea!