Saturday 21 August 2010

Ice Cream Heaven has been found in Vancouver

Saturday afternoon saw Nancy, Wendy and myself stumble across ice cream heaven, right here in Vancouver. Driving across the city we just happened to pass an ice cream store in an industrial area. Turns out, this place sold over 500 different flavours of ice cream with 218 flavours on constant display. It was mecca for an ice cream lover! Some of the numerous and exotic flavours included curry, wasabi, fenal, rhubarb crumble, cinnamon... the list goes on and on. Let's just say that all our future visitors to Vancouver will have this as a destination.

Also as a side story, our Sunday brunch was shared with none other than Joshua Jackson... famous from the TV show Dawson Creek and various movies. Mixing it with the celebrities.

1 comment:

Scott said...

It was pointed out to me that we have not congratulated Kris on his 46min 46sec 10KM last week. So well done Kris!