Only a few days left until Nancy and I fly out to Washington DC to find out in person.
Codename WFNS (Wedding For Nancy and Scott) was originally created to provide a countdown and information for our wedding day. Now with 31st May 2008 passing into history, the Blog now provides stories and updates on our married life (in Vancouver and Victoria)......
Mmmm...Wally's 'backroom aka bathroom' IT techie guys are looking for him too!!
Is he here? Is he there? Wally could be anywhere!
Wally... you are there then! Now we know you where you are you had better watch out for the 'internet bugs'.
Internet bugs? How did you find out i hear you skyped my folks? Cunning
The last couple of comments aren't mine... Someone else is tracking you, I guess. Although I am cunning, but your folks confirmed what I already knew. Ask Ross how he gave it away in our last skype chat. Hope you are all having fun!
Wally... those 'bugs' are still out there waiting for you - you can't ignore them just because you are out of reach. We and 'they' know where you are!!
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