Saturday 27 June 2009

Mercedes-Benz HQ - Toronto

This week has seen me visit Toronto for the first time and saw me arrive on Monday and depart Friday lunchtime. A five-hour flight and a time zone change of 3 hours just to visit the main headquarters of Mercedes-Benz Canada for a week of induction meetings. Previously, it never took that long to get to the Mercedes UK offices in Milton Keynes or even to the global HQ in Stuttgart - wherever I was coming from. I suppose that is the joy of Canada and its massive, geographic expanse.

Couple of quick facts for you.... Canada is the second largest country in the world (after Russia of course) with 3,855,100 square miles and makes up 6.7% of the world's total land mass.

Anyway, my week in Toronto was pretty uneventful - saw the airport, decent hotel, endured the nightmare traffic and peered at the CN Tower from a distance. I met with a number of people at the Mercedes offices and all of them were very welcoming. I can now certainly say that I worked for the MB organisation in three different continents and as a good friend once said I have spent over a third of my life with the one company. What a terrifing thought!!

Sunday 21 June 2009

Nancy & Scott's UK visit

We are in the throws of organising a trip to the UK for the celebration of Emily and Kris's wedding, which is taking place on 31st July. Both of us are really looking forward to our seven day visit, especially as we get to see all our family and friends.

The excitement is becoming almost tangible and to reflect that I have created a countdown clock to the big day! Check out the blog's the new countdown.

Saturday 20 June 2009

The next big thing....

The main news from this week is from the world of work, first day was Monday and it has not proved too demanding so far, simply meeting, greeting people, signing numerous forms and picking up a car. It feels less like starting with a new company, but more like changing departments within the same company. So far there has been many similarities between MB Canada and the UK version and I feel I have a headstart on certain things. Plus I met with a couple of Dealers and they do not seem too alien for me. Looking forward to the challenges ahead with Mercedes.

I have also been tasked by my new boss (Ted) with learning to play golf in the next 4 weeks. This is for two main reasons, firstly, everyone plays golf in the office, especially my boss, and there is a great deal of mickey-taking for being a tennis player and non-golfer. Secondly, there is a number of golfing events in the near future with the first being on 15th July and I have been told that I need to learn/play quickly to be prepared for that event. Nothing like a bit of pressure! Anyway one of the guys from the office has kindly taken me out to a driving range to learn the golf fundamentals and I completed my first round of 18 holes on Friday. Suffice to say that more practice is required before I am the next Tiger Woods.

Sunday 14 June 2009

Stanley Park Wander

The Vancouver summer weather continues to be bright, sunny and the temperature remains in the mid-twenties Celsius. So we took the opportunity on Saturday afternoon for a two hour wander around Stanley Park through its gardens and woodland. We enjoyed a two-hour walk and were surprised to discover Beaver Lake in the midst of the forest.

The walk to attractive Beaver Lake (so-called because it was once home to a beaver colony) was well worth the effort. In summer the lake, the only natural freshwater lake in the Park is a haunt for herons and ducks and is a mass of variously colored water lilies. Beaver Lake is a very tranquil area of Stanley Park, nice for a relaxing afternoon wander was our thought.

Thursday 11 June 2009

Bowen Island - Lake Hike

With my days numbered before I begin full-time working life again with Mercedes-Benz, I took the opportunity to visit Bowen Island for a day trip, with another Brit called John. We picked up the Bowen Island Express boat from Granville Island and in within 30 minutes we were at the quayside.

Similar to an adventure out of a Enid Blyton book, we hiked from the harbour to a forest trail that took us around a local lake. The three hour hike included seeing salmon hatching streams and stretches of lily pads in the water. With a beautifully rugged landscape and friendly laid-back pace in the tiny village, Bowen Island came across as a forested island retreat. It reminded me of Pender Island and I am sure akin to many other islands along the coast of British Columbia.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Phew - Driving Test Achieved

What can I say.... the pressure was on to achieve my Canadian driving test. A first-time pass was definitely required due to my forthcoming job with Mercedes-Benz and also that the 90 days allowance for my UK driving license expired on the same day. Plus a test retake could have been up to six week hence due to demand on the test center, creating issues for my new career.

The examiner originally was from the UK and was born in Liverpool, so we had common ground from the start. She nearly caught me out on hand signals though and only a last minute reminder from Bob, earlier in the day, saved my blushes. Apart from that, the test went relatively smoothly and I even enjoyed the only roundabout on the test route (reminding me of good ol' Milton Keynes). Furthermore, I was even marked down for going too slow at one point - probably the last time that will ever happen!

I have not felt that nervous for a long time and have certainly taken MBA exams with less stress and tension. Special thanks to Bob and Wendy for not only lending me their car but supporting me through the pre-match nerves. The open road lays ahead for me now!

Friday 5 June 2009

ANNOUNCEMENT: Scott is to be gainfully employed again

Yes it's official!

After being in Vancouver for exactly three months I have now been offered full time employment (subject to final written offer). This is the last piece of the moving abroad jigsaw falling into place.

Admittedly, the new role is with Mercedes-Benz Canada and is similar to the job that I left in the UK. So I am certainly well-qualified to succeed and deliver on my new bonus targets. Although we haven't missed a car, it will also be a pleasure to have our own transport again and spending a little less time on the bus, aka "the loser cruiser". More importantly Nancy will be happy to have my arse off the sofa, but less happy to be losing her in-house cleaner, chef and personal assistant!

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Flying over Vancouver... What a View

When we wrote the last blog post we were still at Poets Cove in anticipation for our return flight home via Seaplane or as they are locally known a Float plane. This flight turned out to be one of the highlights of our visit to Pender Island, partly because of the experience but also for the spectacular views of the city (see photos).

Firstly, when boarding the plane at Poets Cove I was offered the front seat, next to the pilot and so enjoyed a front row view all the way home. Then we flew between Pender Island and Salt Springs Island, which was no more than a 10 minute flight, and so we maintained an altitude of only about 100 metres above the sea and this felt like we were skimming across the water.

On the return flight into Vancouver the plane flew up the harbour, above tankers and cargo ships, then over the trees of Stanley Park, along the cityscape of the coastline and then swooped round to land directly in front on our apartment building. I assure you there is no better way to travel ....