Tuesday 9 June 2009

Phew - Driving Test Achieved

What can I say.... the pressure was on to achieve my Canadian driving test. A first-time pass was definitely required due to my forthcoming job with Mercedes-Benz and also that the 90 days allowance for my UK driving license expired on the same day. Plus a test retake could have been up to six week hence due to demand on the test center, creating issues for my new career.

The examiner originally was from the UK and was born in Liverpool, so we had common ground from the start. She nearly caught me out on hand signals though and only a last minute reminder from Bob, earlier in the day, saved my blushes. Apart from that, the test went relatively smoothly and I even enjoyed the only roundabout on the test route (reminding me of good ol' Milton Keynes). Furthermore, I was even marked down for going too slow at one point - probably the last time that will ever happen!

I have not felt that nervous for a long time and have certainly taken MBA exams with less stress and tension. Special thanks to Bob and Wendy for not only lending me their car but supporting me through the pre-match nerves. The open road lays ahead for me now!

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